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Andrew Sirianni

Often people ask me why we go to the effort of building custom software when there are so many packages/platforms already available - "why re-invent the wheel"? Because sometimes a different approach can yield the best results.

Often people ask me why we go to the effort of building custom software when there are so many packages/platforms already available - "why re-invent the wheel"?

In some cases, this is a good point. There are alot of great, off-the-shelf platforms out there. And if you can find a solution that meets your requirements, using an off-the-shelf platform can be a great solution.

But sometimes you NEED a custom solution because what you're doing is different ... your business is different ... and you're trying to solve a problem in a different way. Off-the-shelf solutions won't help you here.

This week we've had a number of clients achieve huge success in their field because they chose to do something different. Something unusual. And in a completely new way. They innovated and explored. As a result, they achieved some fantastic milestones. (We can't wait to share their news soon!)

That's why we build custom software. Because new ideas can create amazing results; and your business was undoubtedly formed to offer something new to the market that differentiated yourself from your competitors. Custom software can facilitate this.

We hear the phase "don't re-invent the wheel" all the time ... but lets not forget that at one stage, someone thought about how to solve a problem differently to invent the wheel.

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