Custom Software Development, AWS Hosting, Laravel
- We've build Kanopi from the ground up to help us work efficiently and effectively with our team and clients on delivering custom software solutions. It's our Project Management system and available to all DCODE GROUP clients.

As we grew, we were on the search for a Project Management Platform that could help facilitate our business operations. But each platform we looked at seemed to have way to much "bloat" that resulted in us spending more time managing the software than managing the project.

... and we did it!
Re-branded as Kanopi; our Project Management system has provided an enormous benefit to the way we manage our own operations. And it felt good to be our own client too! We've now launched Kanopi as a Project Management for any team looking for a more flexible and simple Project Management Tool.

Simplifying our Project Management
So we pulled everything right back to what we needed: Project Workflow Management; Task Planning & Allocation; and Timesheets. With this as a brief, we set about to build a tool to help manage and direct software development at Dcode Group.

Next Project: Custom Management Portal for Earth Solutions Group